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The Eating Coach

Oct 30, 2022

Join the free planning session for the 3x1 project on Tues 1st Nov 8pm UK/4pm EST (Note different time difference this week only)

The 3x1 Project is a one month, low maintenance way to slide a healthy new habit into your busy life - right under the radar of your self sabotage! 


How many times have you started off with phrases like MASSIVE ACTION careering round your brain, high on your good intentions - only to be tripped up by your own resistance ……days later (you insert the number)


What if you accepted that resistance is a fact of life, and instead created a workaround that allowed you to make real, sustainable progress on ONE area of your health?

This is the 3 x 1 plan 

One Seedling Change 

One Structural Scaffold in your daily routine 

Once a day track your progress and celebrate 

This approach will teach your mind and body to act in spite of your own resistance AND FEEL AWESOME in the process. You will train your brain to get a hit of feel good dopamine from even small successes. What do you think is going to happen to your motivation? It will skyrocket. And your resistance? It will divebomb.


FREE planning session this Tues 1st Nov 8pm UK - 9pm CET - 4pm EST 

Get your link to join the Zoom here