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The Eating Coach

Dec 31, 2017

Our history is indeed a story. And all stories are choices about how to see your situation. What stories are you telling yourself about your food - and indeed life - challenges in the past year?  See what I mean with this story...


The Freedom From Sugar Programme Is Here


Find out about one to one coaching...

Dec 30, 2017

In this short minisode, some of the funniest and most idiotic - intentionally or not - quotes about food and exercise, from everyone from Victoria Beckham to Laurel and Hardy. Enjoy!


Freedom From Sugar...

Dec 29, 2017

In today's minisode, a story of Lego that you can use as a metaphor for ending binge eating. Confused? Don't be. Listen on...



Find out about The Freedom From Sugar Programme here


Want Coaching With Harriet Morris?

Find out more here


The Art of Charm Interview:

Dec 28, 2017

Today is all about using less energy so you don't resort to the false cattle prod energy of overeating just to get everything done. Learn why evolution thinks you should be doing less, and how to relax, even if you're 'tired but wired'.



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Dec 27, 2017

Use the positive energy of your inner rebel to failure-proof yourself against the 15th January (i.e. the day that 90% of people have abandoned their goal).


*Stupid Idea of The Week*

Today a interview with a 9-year-old (my son, to be precise) about a new app he has discovered. Watch out Insanity and PX-90000000 (or...