Jan 31, 2018
Stupid Idea of The Week
...is beauty magazines. Nothing earth-shattering there...but I do give you a good way to broach this subject with teenagers. See the mock cover at http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/09/01/womens-magazines-spoof_n_5746758.html
Does caffeine make you binge eat - or at least make it worse? A strange question, but a useful one. Less a rant about the evils of coffee, and more a challenge to investigate and question your dependence on this legal drug.
I give a quick overview of the health benefits and downsides of caffeine, one of which is less-well known but hugely important in the hit your morning coffee gives you. You need to know this information!
Includes 5 important questions that will help you to challenge your own caffeine consumption.
Question 1: What does caffeine symbolise to me?
Question 2: What is my tolerance level for caffeine?
Question 3: If caffeine were banned, what would be the upsides for me?
Question 4:...and the downsides?
Question 5: How do I feel after a caffeine elimination trial?
Telegraph article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/body/surprising-health-benefits-caffeine/
Livestrong article on dopamine: https://www.livestrong.com/article/454154-does-caffeine-affect-dopamine-levels/
Episode 4 - (more on dopamine) http://www.theshiftinside.com/audio-how-sugar-hijacks-your-brain/
The Stuff You Should Know episode on caffeine: https://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/the-duality-of-caffeine.htm
Web MD article: https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/pros-and-cons-caffeine-craze#1
Jeff Finley article: https://jefffinley.org/quit-coffee/
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