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The Eating Coach

Jun 30, 2021

to find out more about dismantling your fear of hunger.

Is this a problem for you? In this podcast episode of The Eating Coach, we dive into this topic - one that I have not heard discussed often. I talk openly about my own anxiety around my appetite, and what happened when I actually decided to experience hunger intentionally. I was very surprised at what I discovered.


Part One: Why You Might Have a Fear of Hunger

  • Childhood experiences. Food was used to give adults power over you.
  • Food as a way to Numb yourself out
  • In both scenarios, hunger can act as a very persuasive PR tool being used by your child rebel or the part of you that feels it is essential to numb out
  • I managed overeating a long time ago, but lockdown created a very powerful PR for my compulsion because I was doing too much. I dissolved Some key relationships which created lots of fear. I perceived genuine hunger which was not always genuenuine. about managing my life


Part Two: What Happened When I Faced My Fear of Hunger

 I realised that hunger is not a fire, it is a tide

 I realised that hunger is plastic

I discuss the role that ghrelin (the hunger hormone plays) here and the evolutionary reasoning behind the plastic nature of hunger


Part Three: Over To You

Ideas for you to get going on your fear of hunger


Intermittent fasting 2.0 episode

The Metronome

Fear of Hunger coaching programme