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The Eating Coach

Nov 29, 2017

In today's podcast episode, I take two very different books that explain weight and eating issues, and put this issue down to one thing. Can we be so reductionist? I don't think so - but listen to this episode and learn how to get the best out of everything you read.


*Stupid Idea of The Week* watching the film...

Nov 22, 2017

Today in The Eating Coach podcast, I give you some practical ways to deal with Thanksgiving and other feast days, which are potential breeding grounds for overeating and bingeing. I want to give you the tools to enjoy these events as much as possible. An impossible dream? I don’t think so.


*Stupid Idea of The...

Nov 15, 2017

It's time to own our abnormality! In today's show, I want to fight the oft-repeated phrase I just want to be normal. Whether they are talking about their eating, or their personality, I believe that there is no normal. Let's explore this.

*Stupid Idea of The Week*

There just seems to be no end of stupid ideas to...

Nov 8, 2017

Fasting has a great reputation in the wellness industry, whether it be water or juicefasting. But is is a step too far for food compulsives?

Stupid Idea Of The Week

Q: What is worse for you than drinks laced with processed sugar, but has a better reputation than the Dalai Lama teaching Mother Theresa to meditatate?


Nov 1, 2017

Reframe your overwhelming cravings with the help of Einstein and a pink elephant. No willpower necessary. I guarantee this reframe of your overwhelming urge for sugar (or any junk) will be liberating.

*Stupid Idea Of The Week*
This drives me mad. When people use images of junk and sugary treats to illustrate health...