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The Eating Coach

Oct 27, 2018

One idea to deal with one day out of 365…How can you eat less sweets and candy on the 31st October, when this whole event centres on those very items? This episode will give you a realistic solution dives deeper into how you can turn this night into an opportunity to stand up to your sugar addiction.

This is about anti-perfectionism and turning your thinking about sugar, food compulsion and binge eating on its head.

This is about calming your inner food rebel, not adding fuel to their motivational fire….in fact how about using this festival of junk as a way to rebel against your food compulsion?

Coming in the next few days: what to do about your kids and their sugar consumption at Halloween. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss that episode.


Freedom From Sugar; The 14 Day Kickstarter:

Episode 4:

Episode 20:

Episode 27: